Snow Removal Business - Kase Insurance

How to Start a Snow Removal Business in Canada

Dec 21 2022

Sometimes it feels that Canada is bound to experience an endless winter, and we say that with good reason. According to data, Toronto has at least a centimetre of snow on the ground for around 65 days a year. In some regions, areas are covered in snow for more than 200 days each year. The snow removal industry is a huge market in Canada, and this is why many landscaping entrepreneurs and contractors start snow removal businesses. 

If you’ve entered “How to start a snow removal business in Canada” on your search engine, then you’ve come to the right blog.

But before we get into the “how,” we first need to answer the “what.” What do you need to prepare before going into the snow removal business? What should you expect? What insurance do you need? Let’s go over these things one by one.

What to Expect When Managing a Snow Removal Business 

When there is heavy snowfall, traffic is slower and vehicular accidents are quite common due to the slippery ice. This is when snow removal clearing operations are constantly ramped-up and this is also why the snow-clearing business is an industry that’s worth $4.7 billion in Canada.

As a result of the huge profit, many lawn-care companies and property management businesses want to cash in on the reliable and ongoing demand for snow-clearing services. Entering the industry also provides them with a stable income during winter since their landscaping business may not be as lucrative during the colder season.

But here’s the catch: snowfall is unpredictable. Not only is it a dangerous element, but there’s also no way of knowing if winter will consistently bring heavy snow days. Therefore, planning your year ahead and setting the right goals will set your business up for success. Other ways of protecting your business from financial liabilities include getting insurance, such as snow removal insurance, which will ensure you’re ready when the first snow falls. 

Snow-covered ground in a small town

What to Prepare Before Going Into the Snow Removal Business 

Although your landscape business may be booming during the warmer seasons, income might come in slower once winter hits. Many companies in this industry turn to the snow removal industry to maintain a stable income during the colder season.

The snow plow sector is highly profitable, but it’s also one of the riskiest business ventures for entrepreneurs. If you’re looking to maintain a stable income in the winter, here are some of the things you’d need to consider:  

Research Your Target Market 

Think about the market that you want to cater to. Whether that means a residential, commercial, or even industrial snow removal business, it’s important to research your target market. Knowing who your customers are, what their needs are, and how you can meet those needs is essential and one of the most crucial steps in setting up your business. 

Creating and Marketing Your Brand 

Speaking of researching your target market, you also need to make your customers remember you. By creating a solid brand identity and marketing strategy, your business will be easier to remember. 

Also, in the age of digitization, your branding in online spaces is everything. Aside from curating your audience’s perception of your business, it’s also easier to spread information about your services through social media because your “identity” online is cohesive. 

Plan Your Finances Wisely 

Budgeting will be your best friend in any type of business. Your finances need to be planned accordingly and allocated for a wide range of requirements and responsibilities. This includes:

  • preparing equipment and maintenance fees.
  • Preparing the vehicles you’ll be using for your services.
  • Strategizing labour costs.
  • Setting aside extra funds just in case any legal matters arise.

While we’re on the case of protecting your business, a surefire way of doing that is by getting the right insurance coverage. 

A snow-covered coastal village

What Is Snow Removal Insurance?

Because of the nature of the business, snow removal contractors are exposed to several risks while on the job. From slipping on ice, heavy equipment damage, and vehicular accidents, any one of these incidents could break your business’s finances faster than falling snow.

Therefore, snow removal insurance is important if you’re in this industry. At KASE Insurance, we offer customizable insurance policies that are tailored specifically to your business’s needs.

We have coverage for the following:

Third-Party Injuries 

Snow and ice are dangerous elements to work with, not only for you and your employees, but also for your clients. Because of the poor visibility during blizzards, someone might get injured. Snow plow insurance ensures you and your team are covered against the fees (whether those are medical or legal) that are borne out of these events.

Equipment and Vehicle Damage 

Tools and equipment are difficult to replace. Once they get misplaced or stolen, you may have to wait for a while before the issue gets resolved. But the waiting time is detrimental to your business, and slower business operations puts your competitors at an advantage.

This is the same for vehicular damage due to accidents. In the event of a collision, an extensive array of medical and legal fees could arise. If you’re prepared with snow removal insurance, you can protect your business from potential bankruptcy.

Property Damage 

In the snow plowing industry, property damage is common. If your client’s property (or one nearby) gets damaged, the repair costs will come out of your pocket. 

Knowing that your snow plow insurance will help cover the fees will allow you to have peace of mind.  

Get Snow Removal Insurance at KASE Insurance 

KASE Insurance is one of the leading commercial brokerages located in Toronto, Canada. We provide reliable insurance solutions for businesses of all sizes across a wide variety of industries—and we’re dedicated to covering all our clients’ needs. 

Get the best snow removal insurance at KASE, and start building your new business venture!
Contact us today for assistance or a quick quote!

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